Blog Archives

Improve Your Penché for Ballet

Today’s video is to help you improve your penché for ballet. The penché is one of the exercises in ballet class that dancers struggle with – it requires balance, proper alignment, flexibility, and a strong standing leg. In fact, directors often give penché in auditions to see who can handle it and who topples over.

So what can you do to improve your penché? This video demonstrates a Ballet Strength exercise that addresses all of the key factors that go into executing the perfect penché such as balance, flexibility, strength, and alignment. Give it a try!

Ballet Strength Pointe Magazine debut

It has taken me a while to share this article with you and I finally got a chance to scan it to my computer today. I reformatted the look of the article for you to make it a bit  easier to read. Although I was inaccurately quoted on several occasions, I still feel that it is a huge accomplishment for myself and Ballet Strength to be part of the elite few who have had the opportunity to share their wisdom in Pointe and am extremely thankful for the opportunity.

If you are interested in having your questions answered by me on my blog or by video blog, send your questions to I look forward to helping you!